Christmas Eve Vigil Mass at St John Vianney, December 2024

The Christmas Eve Vigil Mass at St John Vianney was a joyful event attended by many young families. For the homily the children came and sat around the sanctuary and then, after Holy Communion, they came forward and led the singing of Away in a Manger. Much credit must go to the staff at SJV school for all their support.

Civic Sunday Mass, 27th October 2024

Sunday at Our Lady of the Assumption saw the celebration of a Civic Mass with the attendance of His Worship the Mayor, Cllr Peter Hunter. Cllr Hunter, together with his wife, is a regular worshipper at OLA. He was supported by some of the town councillors and by Mayors from nearby Boroughs.

First Confession & First Holy Communion Enrolment Mass, October 2024

In each of our three churches, the children attended an Enrolment Mass as they began their journey towards First Confession & First Holy Communion

Parish Patronal Feast of the Guardian Angels, September 2024

On the Sunday closest to the Parish Patronal Feast of the Guardian Angels, our parish held a celebratory lunch at the Carousel Hotel

Feast of the Assumption, 15th August 2024

On a very wet feast of the Assumption of our Lady, a small group of parishioners travelled to the church of St Mary at Fernyhalgh to pray a rosary for the parish.


Wedding Vow Renewals, July 2024

Today at Our Lady of the Assumption church, members of the parish who wished to renew their wedding vows were invited to attend Holy Mass where, after the Liturgy of the Word and homily, they came forward to the sanctuary, renewed their wedding promises and received a special blessing.

Confirmation, June 2024

Bishop Swarbrick attended the parish on Thursday 27th June to confer the Sacrament of Confirmation on 40 of our boys and girls.


Guild of St Stephen for Altar Servers, June 2024

In the parish, we support the Guild of St Stephen for Altar servers. The young lady pictured has been serving at St John Vianney for well over 12 months
And was enrolled into the Guild at her Year Mass from SJV School.

16th June 2024

We sent out invitations to all those families who had celebrated baptism in the last period. At the end of today’s 11.15am Mass the children and parents were called forward. Rose oil was blessed – this reminded us of Our Lady who is the Mystical Rose. Each child was anointed on the forehead as a sign of God’s on-going love and care. And the parents on their hands similarly anointed so each time they held their child the blessing would continue.

First Holy Communions, May 2024

First Holy Communions are always ‘red letter’ days in any parish. And so it was in all three churches of our Guardian Angels parish. The boys and girls had been prepared by the teams of Catechists at St John Vianney, St Cuthbert and Our Lady of the Assumption culminating in 5 First Holy Communion Masses. We are thankful for the support of the parents and of those school teachers who supported our children.

Lourdes Youth Fund, April 2024

The parish is hoping to send one or more young people as helpers with the diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage and so fundraising events are necessary. On Friday evening at OLA a bingo and quiz night were held to support the event.

OLA bingo 260424

NeoCatechumenal Young People Gathering, April 2024

NeoCatechumenal Young People from many parts of the North West gathered for the afternoon in the St John Paul II Centre at St John Vianney’s. They came together, as they regularly do, to study the scripture, to pray together, to each and have fellowship. After their study time, there was adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Evening Prayer. This latter would normally take place in church but our Syro-Malabar community were celebrating their usual Holy Qurbana.

Miraculous Medal Novena

Each first Saturday during Mass at 9.30am the prayers of the novena are recited.
The medal of the Immaculate Conception – popularly known as the Miraculous Medal – was designed by our Lady herself! No wonder then, that it wins such extra ordinary graces for those who wear it. And pray for our Lady’s intercession and help.

Saint Catherine Laboure, a novice in the Community of the Daughters of Charity in Paris, and summoned her to the chapel. There she met with the Virgin Mary and spoke with her for several hours. During the conversation Mary said to her, ‘My child, I am going to give you a mission.’ The mission was to have a medal struck and encourage a devotion to Mary.

Miraculous Medal statue

Easter Vigil, March 2024

The Solemn Vigil of Easter this year was celebrated in the Parish of the Guardian Angels at St. Cuthbert’s church. The photographs show the gathering around the Easter Fire, the Service of Light in the church, the Liturgy of the Word. After the homily the Rite of Reception into the Church was celebrated with Sandra, Nick, Oliver & Emily. They received the Sacrament of Confirmation and then were able, for the first time to receive Holy Communion. It was a joyous celebration and a good beginning to the Easter season.

Good Friday, March 2024

The solemn liturgy of Good Friday took place this year, in the Parish of the Guardian Angels, at St. Cuthbert’s church. From the scripture we heard St John’s Passion account, we venerated the cross and received Christ in Holy Communion.

Maundy Thursday, March 2024

Our Sacred Triduum (this year held at St Cuthbert’s) has begun with the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper, the mandatum (washing of feet) and the removal of the Blessed Sacrament to the altar of repose.

Palm Sunday, March 2024

At our three churches today the ceremony of blessing of Palms was observed. This recalls Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem when Hossana was on the lips of all who greeted him. As that first ‘Holy Week’ progressed these cries turned to shouts of ‘Crucify Him.’
These events will unfold in our liturgies throughout the week.

Day of Recollection, March 2024

The Parish held a Day of Recollection at the Ladyewell Shrine, Fernyhalgh near Preston. About 30 people attended. Unfortunately, the direct route was compromised due to a watermain burst and so a diverted route had to be traversed putting about 15 miles on the journey. The day commenced with Mass at St Mary’s followed by a rosary walk to the Shrine. After coffee the first conference was given, there was opportunity for confession before lunch and then the second conference followed by the Stations of the Cross and later Exposition & Evening Prayer.

A Cardinal Calls: The Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers) gave our annual mission appeal (March 2024)

Cardinal Michael Fitzgerald – now retired was one of the two missioners that gave the appeal.

Bishop Swarbrick meets with those who seek to be received into the Church at Easter, February 2024

Today (17/02/24) at the Cathedral in Lancaster, Bishop Swarbrick met with those who seek to be received into the Church at Easter. Four from the parish of Guardian Angels were present together with their sponsors and clergy.

Candlemas Celebrations, February 2024

Today is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. The Gospel relates that Simeon greeted the child Jesus in the Temple and called him ‘The Light to enlighten the Gentiles’. That is why on this day the candles to be used in the church throughout the year receive a blessing.

Bishop Swarbrick visits St John Vianney School, January 2024

Bishop Swarbrick came to St John Vianney school to Bless the new extensions to the Year One classrooms. He also blessed the new chapel area.

The Vintage Teaparty held at The Scala Hotel, January 2024

Our Parishioners came together at The Scala Hotel, to raise funds for the repair of the stained glass window at St Cuthbert’s.

First Holy Communion Enrolment Masses, January 2024

Enrolment of our Servers into the Guild of St. Stephen, January 2024

Syro-Malabar Community celebrate St. Chavara Kuriose Elias Feast Day, January 2024

The Syro-Malabar Community honours St. Chavara Kuriose Elias, their esteemed Patron Saint. Among the displayed saints are Our Blessed Lady, St. Thomas, and St. Euphrasia, alongside St. Chavara Kuriose Elias depicted in white. The vibrant decorations honour this joyful feast, followed by a reception at the St. John Paul II Centre.

Christmas 2023

OLA 70th Anniversary School/Parishioners Coffee Morning, November 2023

Retirement Mass at OLA for School Governors, July 2023

Four school governors who between them served Our Lady’s Catholic Primary School for well over 100 years were honoured at a thanksgiving Mass in the church followed by a reception.