Parish Groups

Details of many activities and contacts are given in the Parish Newsletter and on the Notice Board in our church porches. Anyone requiring more information or wishing to become involved in any of the parish activities listed here should feel free to contact the priests of the Parish at the presbytery on 01253 762227 or email:

N.B.  No-one (lay or cleric) works alone (without another adult being present) with children and young people in the parish and all diocesan and national safeguarding policies and procedures are strictly followed.

Catechists for Sacramental Preparation
Catechists work in teams with groups of young parishioners, accompanying them as they learn more about the faith and deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ in preparation for the Sacraments of First Confession, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. More volunteers are needed – please speak to the Priest in Charge if you are interested.

Volunteer sacristans attend to the preparation of our churches and assisting the priest and servers in getting everything ready for Mass. We would be delighted to have other volunteers join them – please speak to the priest in charge if you are interested.

There are a number of volunteers who clean our churches. This is an important function in the parish and more people are always welcome to help spread the load. Additional volunteers help with laundering of the church linen.  More volunteers are always needed – please speak to one of the priests.

Altar Servers
To be an altar server, you need to have made your first holy communion. This ministry is not simply one we perform as children but a service of Christ throughout life. Consequently, our priests would appreciate adults reconsidering serving once again helping them add greater dignity and reverence to the Holy Mass and the accompanying rites celebrated throughout
the week. For further details please speak directly with the Priest in Charge who will offer the necessary training.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Should you be interested in this ministry, please contact the priests at the presbytery who would be pleased to give you further information.

Readers at Mass
Should you be interested in this ministry, please contact the priests at the presbytery who will be pleased to give you further information.

We are fortunate in having an enthusiastic team who enhance the beauty of our churches in this way. Should you be interested in this very pleasant parish activity, please contact the priests at the presbytery who will be pleased to introduce you. 

A team of willing and dedicated parishioners make up the collaborative effort of organising and running fundraising and social events. Anyone is welcome to come and contribute to these meetings and to make suggestions of what they may like to do to contribute. Keep a look out for the newsletter for information of upcoming meetings. 

Children’s Liturgy
On Sundays in term-time at St John Vianney’s provide a special Liturgy of the Word for our Children and it takes place during the 11.15am Mass. It is led by a team of catechists who take turns on a rota to minister to the children in this way. The children are invited to leave the church at the beginning of Mass. When the children have gathered in the day chapel the catechist who is leading, welcomes them and invites them to take part in a simple penitential prayer. This is followed by the reading of the Gospel which is then explained at their level. A short activity related to the scripture of the day usually follows this before the children return to Church at the time of the Offertory. Should you wish to get involved please speak to the Priest in Charge.

Gardening Group
This group meets at St John Vianney’s on Tuesday afternoon from 1.00pm-3.00pm on the Parish Field. New gardeners are most welcome! Just go along and introduce yourself. You’ll be most welcome!

Music Group
We are fortunate in having a small and enthusiastic music group at the 10am Sunday Mass at St Cuthbert’s. Should any musician wish to join them please speak with the priest in charge.